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Jan 25, 2009

New Release

Cybernetic Overload, the long awaited remix album, is finally done!

We had originally tried to get all remixes in by November 2007, in order to get them mastered and have hard copies available for the Scars tour, but that was not to be. While the wait may have seemed long to some, there were a few good things to come of it, such as meeting All Ties Severed in El Paso, who over the summer contributed not one but two outstanding mixes to the cd. Everyone should check out his site, because his music is incredible.

We've spent a bit of time coming up with the right track listing. What we have we're proud of because it scatters our favorites throughout, giving the album a good flow as a whole. Head on over to the music section of this site to download a copy. It's available as individual mp3s, or you can get the whole thing as a zipped file.

We'd like to thank all the artists who contributed. They are an eclectic bunch, from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, states and even continents. What they have in common is musical talent, and you're encouraged to check out their own projects via the links we've posted.

* * *

As this marks the first Bajskorv release in almost exactly a year, you may be wondering, what the heck are we up to these days? Well, musically, we have mostly been focusing on side projects, Impulse Control (Juan) and Savage Ideal (Christian). Christian is long gone from the Mid Atlantic industrial scene, having relocated to Denver, where he has so far written two new Savage Ideal albums to be released sometime within the next year. You can still catch his writings on music, politics, and most anything else at Wounds of the Earth or Laughing Fish. Juan is back in DC and can often be seen around the district spinning old school and good new school industrial as DJ Fix, as well as singing for impulse control.

Conceptual talks for a new release are ongoing. Release date would probably be sometime in late 2009.

Enjoy the music!

-CW, Jan 25, 2009







